Wednesday, October 26, 2005

The more I wonder....

Assalamualaikum...peace be upon you...

on what defines us as a person...

Is it the clothes that we wear? The books that we read? The company that we keep? The amount of wealth that we own? What defines us as a person? To me, a person should never be defined trough the material things that we have. A person should be define by the quality of the heart and soul that we have. All trough out history, we have been shown that, the poorer the soul - the more beast-like we are. Money becomes the instrument to smoothen the acts of evil. Knowledge becomes the catalyst for hatred and war. People turns into pawns of destruction. Love becomes hate.

are we evil?

Not to me. The prophet have said that we are born as pure as a white linen. Our parents colors us. But then, our parents should not be blamed for the evil that we do. God have created us so beautifully.

HE gave us brains...

The irony of things is that - we never, or rarely use them properly. By properly, I mean to say that most of us, including me, fails to think about the things, events and nature around us. When we observe all these things - godwillingly we would become enlighten. We will improve the quality of our soul and our hearts.

It has been almost a month since my return home from HIS kingdom. I felt reborn. I have no anger nor hatred in my self. If only those whom I call friends, family and love could feel what I'm feeling now. Its liberating. No more fears. No more tears.

I love U...

I have finally find the true meanings of these three words. I know now, to really love some one is to see them trough GODs' eyes.

See them not as only flesh and blood.

See them as a task given to us to win HIS love.

Yes, the love of GOD need to be won over. But it is nothing similar to winning the love of a person. A flesh might hurt us. A flesh might betray us. A flesh might use us.

Never GOD. Never ever GOD.

I love u GOD.


Anonymous said...

I miss feeling close to God...

How ironic it is that we look for God only when we are down...

Anonymous said...

I love god too. Sometimes I feel ashamed at my dirty deeds and wish I can erase them. But god is great, he forgives me sins. At least I hope god did.

demonsinme said...


lil' witch,

can ye feel the wind, the coldness of nite, the warmth of the sun? Ye can right? thats how close God is to you. HE is in every breath you take. To feel close to HIM - all ye have to do is savor every lil' nikmah that he grants, love tru his eyes and always "lintaskan" in your lil' heart - ALLAH IS GREAT.

lil' miza...

Whats done is done. A wise muslim once said - "life is like a fruit on a branch. Yeaterday is a fruit that has wrotten and fallen to the ground - ye can't do nothing to it 'cept to let it be as a reminder. Tomorrow is like a budding fruit - it might be ripe, it might be rotten. Ye can't do nothing 'cept to be aware and be prepared of the possibities that might occur to it. Today is like a fruit - just nicely ripe, ready to pick and be eaten. So eat it wisely and savor it with gratefulness."

Do not think of ALLAH 's rights - think only of your duties to HIM. To be gratefull, to seek taubah and to always improve the quality of our souls and hearts.