Saturday, October 29, 2005

the happier i am...

assalamualaikum...peace be upon you

yup! i am a happy man. have no riches, no matter - have lots and lts of good friends. have no looks, no matter - have lots and lots of knowledge.

but the things that makes me hapiest -

1. Ranadhan is ending and for the first time in my 29 years of god blessed existence, i manage to fll the ends with ibadah.

2. people like you who are reading this.

love you guys and love you GOD!


Anonymous said...

hey .. like your blog .. finally someon who i might be able to relate to .. rahmadan almost over .. i feel bad .. havent been to qiyam this year .. was really looking forward to it but i kept on saying tomorrow and i still didnt go .. im hoping to go today .. anyways .. glad to have someone who beleives in god around just to remind me of him in times of doubt ..