Monday, April 24, 2006

...the more winding the road gets...

Assalamualaikum dan sejahteralah ke atas kamu...

Hari Senin Umanis – Sungsang,
Siang ke 9 Mulud 1928,
Tahun Alip.

Hari ke 30, bulan kedua menjadi hamba kepada Hamba...

Batu terukir nyawa
Telah beribu kali sang suria bersilih tempat dengan sang purnama, namun, di tapak purba ini tetap gagah berdiri dengan rapuh batu yang diberikan rupa ini.

Satu waktu dahulu, tika hangat mentari masih lagi diselimuti godaan sang bayu dari utara, pernah Sang Batu menjadi dewa kepada Sang Pari-Pari bersayap putih, berdebu kupu-kupu.
Tak kira waktu, tanpa iseng Sang pari-pari membalut Sang Batu dengan kucup ikab yang sepanas nafas Sang Ijajil.

Amat indah sekali nikmat pawana ini.

Namun, bila selimut dingin bayu utara mencicit ketakutan bila mentari pagi meningkat usia, Sang Pari-Pari mula meminta diri dengan takzim yang amat sinis sekali.

Tinggallah Sang Batu sendiri. Bekas-bekas kucupan ikab pun mula menampakkan rupanya yang jati. Pedihnya amat terasa, namun, sudah menjadi resam batu yang diukir nyawa, tangisnya tiada berupa. Hanya berharap pada titis-titis ehsan dari langit yang kering mengukir denai unutk tangis yang tiada rupa.

Sang Batu amat kepingin untuk mundur, setidak-tidaknya mandir.

Namun, nyawanya hanya satu ukiran. Kaki tegapnya tak mungkin akan teralih walau seinci pun.
Tetap dia terpaku di tapak purba itu.

Tika usia mentari makin meningkat, hijab tuan kepada para Malaikat mula tersingkap. Di sisi telapak kakinya yang terpaku, tumbuh mawar-mawar biru. Ah, harum sekali baunya, bisa buat hati gundah terlena.

Tapi apakan daya.

Sang Batu kan tetap begitu. Harum bau mawar biru hanya dapat dihidu dengan nyanyian ciak-ciak yang datang berlagu, tidak dengan jantung yang berdegup laju.

Tetaplah Sang Batu begitu, sayu.

pari-pari = fairies
iseng = kecewa
ijajil = the devil
ikab = seksa
pawana = api

insan bernama aku

Berlutut di kaki ibu,
anak kecil menagis sayu,
menyesali ceritera lalu.

Bersujud di kaki ayah,
menitis mutiara ibu bersama kesah,
mengenang anaknya sayu dan lemah.

Sakit luka berdarah,
tercalar lebar berdarah,
di denai duri bersepah.

Bertalqin mendayu-dayu,
batu nesan retak seribu,
pada insan bernama aku.

hadap irama cengkerik yang lain nanti,
jemari lacur ini akan menari lagi,
hadap irama cengkrik yang kian lewat ini,
jemari lacur ini ingin berlabuh di jeti mentari.


Saturday, April 22, 2006

...the lonelier it gets...

Assalamualaikum and peace be upon you...

Day of the Blithe,
22nd dawn of the Time of the Growing Moon,
Year of the Caminus Canis.

29th day, 2nd month in the life of a Slave to a Slave...


The Demon and the Child

Laying down on the green Grass of Levamentumi, the stared at the great blue yonder, pondering upon his existence in this world.

It has been once too many that the Demon heard whispers in the wind telling him that life is beautiful, and far too many times has he heard the birds singing the songs that embraces the theme of a blessed life.

He grew weary of all these whispers and songs.

He grew weary and tired of loving, caring, respecting and humbling himself. He grew tired of the lessons that the One True Master trying to teach him.

He grew weary and tired.

Deep in the black brimstone walls of his heart, the Demon long for freedom. The Demon has longed for the kind of freedom that many would deem as deviant to any idols or entity seen or unseen.

He longed for it badly.

The Demon is now a creature true to the name that his rotting flesh embodied.

The Child that Everyone Hate to Love, the Demon's invisible twin, a being that has forever been at war with him in the arena of life is losing the battle. The red beating clot blood that both shared drip tears of sadness for this realization.

If ever, either one of them loses letting the other reign supreme. Than this red beating clot of blood would cease to exist. And all would be the beginning of an end to everything that love has touched, even those that love touch with a touch as light as a gentle breeze.


Levamentum = solace


The Tales of Me

In the beginning,
hide the end,
in the end,
hide the begining.
In this life,
I have a yearning,
a yearning that I would have,
of the things seen by only the blind,
of hope held high by only the ones hope denied,
to be free,
to roam,
amongst the beautiful dead roses,
between dry green leaves,
to be free,
to be truly free.


In another time,
another tale will come.
of the things,
the Demon saw as a Slave to a Slave.

but for now,
the Demon would only rest.



Tuesday, April 11, 2006

...the more life I lived...

Assalamualaikum dan sejahteralah ke atas kamu...

Hari Soma Paing Warigadian,
Siang ke 11 Mulud 1939,
Tahun Alip.

Hari ke 18, bulan kedua menjadi hamba kepada Hamba...

Darah Merah Nan Sebuku

Hari ini tanah gersang ini ditimpa hujan lagi.

Rahmat atau laknat, ntahlah, Sang Siluman Alami ini tidak pula tahu. Jika ia rahmat, maka tangis langit yang menimpa tanah ini mana mungkin bertukar menjadi aliran air yang berkarat. Jika ini laknat, mana mungkin tanah keras ini berubah menjadi selut-selut lembut yang bisa menyuburkan jerami kering yang terbaring.


Biar berapa banyak musim berselisih, masih gagal Sang Siluman Alami ini memahami tujuan disebalik titis air mata permaidani putih di bawah tapak sang mentari.
Terkadang kala, titi-titis itu bak jari mulus anak dara sunti yang mengurut keresahan makhluk yang bernama lelaki.

Terkadang kala pula, titis-titis itu bak duri mencakari kaki anak kecil yang menyusuri benteng-bentang padi.

Sakit sekali. Nikmat sekali. Aduh! Pening sekali.

"Aneh ya, bagaimana tanah gersang lagi usang itu tampak tiada beza dari sebuku darah merah dalam dada anak-anak adam?" bisik suara angin yang menemani titis tangis awan.

"Ya, cukup aneh," minda melayang Sang Siluman Alami.

"Tanah gersang dulunya subur kini gersang lagi usang," siulan desir titis tangis langit berlaga angin yang melintang lintasnya,"ntah bila warna hijau kan kembali bangkit dari kuburnya."


Darah Merah Nan Sebuku

Di balik urat berselirat,
dilindung darah darah yang tak penat bersilat,
ditanggung sang tulang empat kerat,
dipangku sang kudrat,
duduk sebuku darah berehat.

Tatkala ia,
memandang ke barat,
tampaklah kilat,
menoleh ke timur,
ternampak tapak sumur,
menjenguk ke utara,
terjengah bara,
menjeling ke selatan,
terhendap beban.

Ntah bila?
buku darah ini bertanya,
mati jalan yang tak tahu mana hala,
jawab satu suara,
bila nesan menjadi saudara.


Siluman = spirit

hadap irama cengkerik yang lain nanti,
jemari lacur ini akan menari lagi,
hadap irama cengkrik yang kian lewat ini,
jemari lacur ini ingin labuh di jeti mentari

Friday, April 07, 2006

...the more time I lose...

Asslamualaikum and peace be upon you...

Day of the Mundanes,
6th dawn of the Time of Growing Moon,
Year of the Caminus Canis.
17th day of the 2nd month of being a Slave to the Slaves of Lucre...

Maturely Immature

It has been nearly three months since the Demon be made slave to the Slaves of Lucre...

and more than ten beautiful blistering months since the Demon first met and fell in love with the lovely Princess...
and more than ten years the Demon has befriended the Mamak Bendahara...

and more than 13 years the Demon has befriended the King...
and more than 18 years the Demon has befriended the Jester...

and more than 30 years, 2 months and 11 days the Demon first drawn his first breath as a Arrogant Child to the ever patient Regents...

Yet he is still an immature child.
He has always wondered, no, confused actually. Always has he thought that it is a curse – this state of being a slave to the Slaves of Lucre. Always for the Demon, this state of life is a cage made of the Sordid Steel of a Lost Mind.

How wrong he was.
This state of life is actually a 'tutorial' for him from the One True Master. In this state of life he saw the colors of life, the silent songs of life and the meaning of life. The sourness that he thought he tasted was in truth, sweetness.

True, a life as a slave tolls the flesh, but even truer that a life as a slave in the mortal planes enriches the mind, fortify the soul.

As a slave, he saw, the things that meant to be seen...
The Demon saw, understood now that no matter how painful it is to love the Princess, it is a beautiful feeling, the most wonderful of all.

The Demon saw, understood now that no matter how minimal were the words exchanged between him and the Mamak Bendahara, the years of friendship is still strong, as strong as the mighty sky above his head.
The Demon saw, understood now that no matter how high has the King climbed the mounts of Aurarius, it is done with pain, sweat and patient.

The Demon saw, understood now that no matter how much dirt of sins cling to the white linens of the Jester’s body, it is washable by the sweet slow flow of the River of Castussum.

The Demon saw, understood that every breath he has taken and would be taking will never settle the debt of Animare he owed the Regents.
And he knew and understood now that no matter how old he get, he is still and forever will be maturely immature.

Said the Sahara to the Sun

Said the Sahara to the Sun,
what do you want?
is it not enough that you made the trees run?
or have you yet had your fun?

Said the Sahara to the Sun,
why did you drink my river dry?
why must you left me with no tears to cry?
why must you made the past seems like a lie?

Answered the Sun to the Sahara,
my wanting is to like a painting,
painted by the markings of the running trees,
so that you learn the meaning of glee.

Answered the sun to the Sahara,
I drink not your river dry,
I made oasis so that only the vultures cry,
so that the dates may not be dried.

Lucre = money/wealthSordid
Steel of a Lost Mind = the bars that only the mind can make
Aurarius = goldCastussum = piety