Wednesday, March 08, 2006

...the more fear I have...

Assalamualaikum and peace be upon you. . .

Day of the Terribles,
8th dawn of the Time of Lent,
Year of the Caminus Canis,

20th day as a Slave to a Slave of Lucre. . .

When I Glance At You
(dedicated to the reflection in the mirror, dedicated to you)

when I glance at you,
I saw the shades of blue,
I ask what shadows you,
though I know you'll say you.

why do I plague you?
because of your dark hue,
because of the lies that are true,
because of the hate that love do.

but we are one, true?
mister, you have no clue,
I am a soul that is so true,
whilst you are one filled with rue.

what would you do?
I will disguise you that I will do,
with a mask that hate love so true,
so that all shall know I am true.

now I am in the shade of blue,
because of the sins that you will do,
and the honor that shame brings you,
forever when I glance at you.

The Demon has saw many wars.
So many wars he has seen yet only one has marred the walls of his brimstone heart than the war between the warriors of the Green Banner. All of them laud that they are the true Lords of the Green Banner and similarity between them are just tales of the Sages that has gone past.

But none realize that the only difference that they have is the shade of green.

Honor, truth and just. Those are the words that these warriors chanted as their war cries. Submission to the other's version of honor, truth and just is the backbone of their war. Eradicating the so call fallacies of their brethren's is their aim.

Honor, truth and just.

Those words have become hilarious humors. Truth be told, its pride, conquest and power that these warrior seek. Pride, conquest and power.

When the warriors triumph upon their brethrens, it is them who would be slain. Not by the swords that were swung by their brethrens, but by the blades that they swung with their own hands.


In another time, another tale will come.
Maybe, of the things that the Demon saw as a Slave to a Slave.
But for now, the Demon would rest



Anonymous said...

Assalamualaikum D,

Okay, I guess this is not my forte but I will try this, one last time. Here goes,

1. The poem, you dedicate to someone right? Well, this is what I think...orang melayu selalu cakap, rambut sama hitam tapi hati lain-lain. Well, life is short, live it to the fullest.

2. There's a saying that goes, actions speak louder than words and inevitably every actions may have its consequences good or bad, regardless of one's belief but then again, every each one its own.

So, how did I do this time? I have no further comment, afraid that I will write rubbish! Say...maybe you can give me lessons in philosophical writings!...fat chance huh!^-^ Adieu!

demonsinme said...

You did good, but you could try to do better. =D

1. Its for all who reads it. Its not about life but about the stupidity that we have - we like to battle our own.

2. True, action is louder than words. But the lauder the action is, the dumber we get.

I ain't no maestro in philosophical writings. So, no can help in that department.

Miss Aida said...

Honour, trust and justice. True enough, those are almost like rumours of past, of something that once was.

Why indeed?

demonsinme said...

Miss Aida,

True, those words have nowadays been rendered to meaningless words.

Maya said...

aduhai.. u melt my heart..and pls dont stop.

demonsinme said...

MAYA: How could a demon melt a heart filled with warth such as yours? Its not me, dearest, its the beauty of your soul and those like you that melts the demon's frozen heart.

Inn said...

no new updates? your writings are addictive.

i have a guardian devil. perhaps you guys know each other? :) It's not really a small universe now is it?

demonsinme said...

INN: There's two updates up above this entry. Enjoy them as you will.

Inn said...

ah. your blog is not really reader friendly for some non-IT savy like me. nah, not u. i think im going blind. hehe.

when i wrote that comment, i did miss the earlier entry but man, i love your sunday entry!!!

demonsinme said...

INN: I'm sorry about that, I'm trying to find a better skin for my blog. In due time, godwilling, it'll be more easy to read.

But I can't promise the same with the entries. I got a serious case of a jumbled up mind.

Suriya said...

I am here but I cannot find your post!