Thursday, February 02, 2006

...the more squeking sound i make...

Assalamualaikum and peace be upon you…

The follies of...
Shariman, sorry, cant help borrowing this title... I like it much)

Tis the time between then and now,
Day of the Ecclesiastical,
2nd dawn of the Festival of Purifications,
Year of the Caminus Canis

Unto the blank space of haven he stared. On rugged earth he laid. On crossed arms his head rested. To the winds he muttered. To the soul that touched the heart he intended...

When I Say I Love You

When I say I love you,
It means not I will betray you,
It means not I will leave you,
It means not I will lie to you,
It means not I will scar you.

When I say I love you,
It means lots I will honor you,
It means lots I will cherish you,
It means lots I will guard you,
It means lots I will always be by you.

When I say I love you,
I meant it form the heart,
Not just words that that lingers between the lips that parts,
Not just acts of a broken heart,
Not just to reap your hidden parts.

When I say I love you,
I said it so, so, true,
I said it for the goodness you made me do,
I said it for the greatness that I felt so true,
I said it for the man that I am when I am with you.

When I say I love you,
I am saying I really do.

The wonderful feeling of being alive. It is not often that the Demon feels this lively... must be the air of festivities. The Small Eye Traders and the Followers of The One; two main tribes of this land celebrate their respective new year. A stark contrast between these two tribes; one celebrates the coming of a new year with such galore, the other, so very scantily. But then, that is just how things are... it must be the effect of the changes in time he guessed.

Such bliss to be able to rest on the green grass of laze – there is no mortal master to answer to as all are swamp with plans for the long days of rest. There are not fruits of Lucre to be pluck as the trees are in the off seasons. The tranquility that is so very rare.

The Demon has chosen to rest his travels at the Regents house; there would be a feast of grace there. All of the clan would be there. Such gathering has always brings joy to his heart. The elders and the young ones would congregate; they would laugh and they would talk and they would enjoy each other presence much. Such joy. Such happiness.

It has been five dawn since the feast of grace been held, but the sweetness still lingers. Now, the Demon lay down on his back savoring the sweetness he rarely tasted and much longed for. In this sweet moment of comfort, his mind glanced back to thirty summers that have gone him by.

He began to wonder...

As a single sperm, the worries of a man would only be to reach the ends of a woman womb and to enter that single ovum; both a legacy of lust (be it done with virtue or without). As the sands of time past the union of both legacies develops into a clog of blood. Trough out the nine cycle of the moon, the blood grew to form a being. Still, there is not much in its mind; just the simple things. The major things are for the mother or the father (if there’s one) to worried for. Such parasitic being we were then.

Then, the being is born as a child; sweet cute and cuddly... the so call Age of Innocence. We begin the first phase of our life. There are few segments of this first phase. It is all a learning curve. We learn to crawl, walk, run, talk; we learn the rudiments of life – fear, anger, hate, lust, love and many more. This is the phase when the worries of mind would be how to make our parents worry sick. Everything that we are was in contrast to those of our parents. Always, we wish that the hands that feed us and the wombs that bore us are the hands and the womb would be of those that feed and bore our friends. Rarely there is a different thought than that. Yet we allow ourselves to think that we are not parasitic beings.

Then we enter ourselves into the second phase of our life; where all the rudiments of life that we have learned are would be turn from theories to practical. We test and we are tested. We laugh at our foolishness and we cried at our parents wisdom. We pride ourselves of our achievements; we blame our parents of our follies. But, there is another factor that comes into play; the dreaded thing called Religion. We are post with the questions of to be or not to be? To be the conformists; or the odd one out? To follow or be followed? Freedom, in this phase would be an issue that would be perceived in an unconventional perspective. We are turn yet again from a parasite to a pseudo-symbiotic being.


The Demon mind flails too much. The real question is what of the future to come not the past that has past him by.

In the tongue of his fore fathers he cry out loud


hehehehe... the Demon is out of his mind.


Anonymous said...

Journey. Life is but a journey, a journey of discovery, a journey of quest, a journey of compliance, whatever, it is still a journey accountabled. Religion can be a bondage, can be a tradition, can be a norm, can be a quest, can be a FREEDOM. The last is most elusive and difficult to grasp; how can a set of rigid codes be equated to such exhilarating state as freedom?

demonsinme said...

My goo,

I totally agree with ye, life is in deed a journey - a journey from a beginning to another beginning. It is indeed truly liberating. But there's a trick to it - TOTAL submission. I wrote what i wrote base on my journey in life. It might be dark and boresom, but still it is colored.

Nice thought you leave me.

Count Byron said...

That flailing of the mind is oh so fertile.. and would lead one to a great bliss.. to a wonderful finishing line.. you just have to wait.. the answers are chalked out in the sky.. stark naked for all to seep inward and sigh...

demonsinme said...

me lord le ABAH dela count,

nope. i'm not hoping for a wonderful finishing. i only long for a finishing - be waht it may be. i'm just a servant, what would be of me is in my master's hands.