Monday, February 27, 2006

...the more lesson I should learn...

Assalamualaikum and peace be upon you. . .

Day of the Sun,
26th dawn of the Month of the Festival of Purifications,
Year of the Caminus Canis

10th day in the life of a Slave

Silver Linings of a Slave

They say, every dark cloud have its silver lining. . .

The Demon never really knew what these meant. For him, dark clouds would forever be dark clouds – marking a dull damp day. Such a day that would dampen not only the carcass that bears one name, but also the soul that the brought meaning to the name.

How wrong was the Demon. . .

The things that the Demon witnessed prove him wrong. A slave he is still. Enslave he will forever be. That's a fact that none could contend. Or could it not? Not for no one to answer at this moment. Not a thing that none should care for this moment.

What is important though, the lessons that the Demon has, is and would learned.

Beautiful truly is this day was. Tis' the day when the Slave, the Demon the Glorified Child of Agnus - Arrogant Prince of the Bay of Diamonds, is once again made a learner of the Forgotten Ways.

The duties as Adfero ended early today.

The Demon walks out through the gleaming glass doors to his ever loyal Musculus Servus, a being silver in color, to take him back to his Cave of Adumbration. Just outside of the door, sitting leisurely on the stone chairs that circled a stone table (it is a place where the Adferos of different ranks sat to mingle with each other), inhaling the Fumes of 4000 Banes - Captains of the Adferos, Male Goat Lee and his senior, Zoo the Hairy.

The Demon walks to them; took a seat and sat beside them - a gesture of respect.

Lesson Thought to a Slave 1.

"Demon, you will be serving Lock Man the Judge, Captain of the Adferos of the Day of the Sun come the first dawn of the Month of the God of War," says Male Goat Lee.

"Pardon me sire, I am still new me lord, there are hundredth of knowledge I still yet to learn as an Adfero. . . these shackles on my limbs would bring shame to the Oris of Astu. . ." replied the Demon with truthful shallow confidence.
"HAHAHAHAHA!" loudly does both of the Captains laughed.

"Demon, you have the trainings of a third level Apprenticeship of the Mercantors have you not?" asked Zoo the Hairy.

"Have you not the ability to use your mind and knowledge in the arts of the Mercantors?" asked Male Goat Lee, “and were you not the one who presented me this proffer to eagle eyed the Minions of the Moderarums?” continue Male Goat Lee.

"Truly me lords. . ." answered the Demon, humbled.

"Then you should sign no qualms no more. First dawn of the Month of the God of War, you will serve Lock Man the Judge. This is first of your trainings before I take you under my banner. You should know Demon, to be under my banner would mean you have to be able to brace the wrath of me. I am one of the guardians of hell in Oris of Astu," sternly state Male Goat Lee, "I take only the bold, strong, truthful and those who are invincible to my Labrum of Agnus."
"Indeed, indeed. . ." agreed Zoo the Hairy.

"All that is left Demon, is for you to master your anger, your eagerness to talk back and your ego," firmly does Male Goat Lee reminded the Demon, "I abhor arrogance in a learner".

"As you will sire," bowed the Demon.

In his flailing mind, the Demon contemplates. How foolish he is not to see the gifts that the One True Master has given him. The Captains have indeed see this in him thus be the reason for the Demon to be handed this responsibility – this trust.

A burden it is, no doubt - a sweet burden, sweeter than the honeys of haven.

Now understood the Demon why has saw what he sees in during the ten days that have past since he first became a Slave to the Slaves of Lucre.

He understood now why the Miser Lady would sacrifice wealth for a veil. It is for the honor of her faith. And why the Lords that claims to be the champion her plight lowered themselves like peasants and salute the Demon as a lord. To seek honor from the honors meant only for the One True Master.

He understood now why does the Denied Agripetas seek his help them in their land-war against the
Keepers of the Cove of Mud. It is the Demon duty to the oppressed, as thought by Path of the Forgotten.

He understood now this is his submission.


In another time, another tale will come.
Maybe, of the things that the Demon saw as a Slave to a Slave.
But for now, the Demon would rest.



Agripeta = squatter
Astu = city
Labrum = large lips
Denied Owners of the Land = squatters in one of KL’s many villages
Domicus = owner
Forgotten Ways = (ask your self what is the Forgotten Ways)
Lucre = money
Mercantor = trader
Moderarum = steerer
Musculus = small mouse
Miser = sad
Oris = mouth
Servus = deer



Anonymous said...

Assalamualaikum D,

Are a journalist or a freelance any chance?
U have a weird, creative and intelligent mind.
Read yr past entries and found some of them rather intriguing and beyond my comprehension but nevertheless it challenges my mind.
Will look forward to yr tales and gd luck with yr love-life and don't be so uptight will ya!

demonsinme said...

Alaikumsalam meen,

wellcome and thank you.

uptight? no lah.

come by often, it is a blessing for me.

Count Byron said...

Tried to fathom the depth of this entry. Count needs another inspection. Lovely write me Son

demonsinme said...

Me lord le Abah dela Count,

No need to waste precious time fathoming what I have wrote. They were written in a very jumbled up state of mind.

AuntyN said...

Dah dua tiga kali Acik AN baca entry2 deme ni tapi macam count jugaklah, blur jugak ni.

Anyway, hope every thing is well with you

demonsinme said...

takpe acik n,

saya pin tengah blur nih.

Count Byron said...

How are you my son? I have been very busy lately and have not been connected. No new entries either from me.
Whatever, I hope you are doing great there. I miss having communications with you. We should meet up one day.
Le Abah

demonsinme said...

ALhamdulillah me lord le Abah de la count, I am doing fine.

Its been hectic for me too, with this new work that I have, the new understanding of my purpose in GOd's master plan and what nots.

Yes I do agree that we should meet up one of these days. It would be a great honor for me. Its not going to be any when soon though, I still have lots to do to make all stabilize first.

Its an honor me lord, to have you and master wailer as my friends.

I thank god and I thank both of you.

thewailer said...

Master Demonsinme,

The honour is mine, received your email and here's mine :

I hope your coming days would shine bright and may God showers you with His Grace even sometimes it is rather 'dim and not so light'...that goes to me too!

demonsinme said...

Thanks bro,

Indeed you and ABAH de la Count are blessings from god.

Anonymous said...

I tried commenting before but I couldn't find the comment button. Wierd.

Anyway, I think when people have faith in you or show that they believe in yuor and your work and potential, it will eventually dawn on to you that you DO have it takes. You just need to be humble yet believe in your talents.

demonsinme said...

Thanks Kiddo,

I always believe that you are one smart gal. The wisdom you showed in this comment prove me to be right.