Tuesday, December 06, 2005

...the more days of torments i would have to face...

Assalamualaikum and peace be upon you....
A bore is a person who opens his mouth and puts his feats in it.
Henry Ford
Pain of love lasts a lifetime.
Jean Pierre Claris De Florian
It is the Day of the Mundanes.
The Demon has always love the Day of the Mundanes. Everything starts on the Day of the Mundanes. Its the day where all the work , all the hassle began to evolve in to tight crazy knots, the day where we all plan our war path. All the trade routes are unusually unsually congested on the Day of the Mundanes. The day where our self-slavery would start for seven dusks and seven dawns.
The Demon love the Day of the Mundanes very much. It is the day where he could drown all of his boredness in by adhering to the Pit Masters. Every past grains of the sands of time during the Day of the Mundanes stimulates his mind with challenging quests, testing his physical might with heavy tasks.
The Demon's Day of the Mundanes are no longer the same.
The Demon has no quests no more. It has been like this for almost four cycle of the moon. Some of the Day of the Mundanes in that four cycles are nice, but most of them dull.
This Day of the Mundanes is the worst so far.
For the whole day the Demon did nothing. Nothing is a bad thing. It dulls the mind. Weakens the body. Yes, the Demon felt so weak. He is bored and lonely. He misses much of the life he once had. The life where he is free to roam the earth, lavishing in the chaos, where the only rules that dictate him are his rules and those of the One True Master.
The Demon is scared.
He misses the Princess much. Too much. He knows that there will be no ends to this unholy union that he has with her. Both of them came from two different planes of reality. Two realities that could never co-exist harmonically. He knew deep in his darkened heart that this union would only bring war to the rulers and minions of the two planes.
The Demon is filled with anger in him. He wished that he is not born as an agnus - not the kind of thoughts that would bring favors from the One True Master. But like any other agnus, he can't help himself of having such thoughts. In his mind and in his darkened heart, he has distanced himself from the Princess. He wanted to tell her of this, but those angelic eyes of hers always mellows him down. Her songs always rattle the black brimstone wall of his heart.
He has to end it. A creature of the Tangent Haven would only be wretched in the company of a creature from Hell's Hearth. This truth kills him painfully slowly. He is in agony.
Days like this makes it worst.


Najwa Aiman said...

i wish i could read between the lines and see what's inside your mind....

luv it!!!

MidlifeCrisisDolmat said...

Hey dude,

I like your cryptic writings. Very nice.

Anyways, I'm not sure what happened to Islington's blog, but all evidences point to the probability that she has taken it offline.

I hope she comes back though. I miss her writings too.

Anonymous said...

I guess one can't help what they were born to be right?

Like how a kid with HIV, goes through so much pain anguish for something that they didn't do. They're all innocent.