Saturday, June 09, 2007

...and I hope you will see...

Assaamualaikum and peace be upon you...

Day of The Pious,
9th dawn of the Time of Healing,
Year of the Ignis Mialis.

23rd dayo of the 4th month of the 2nd year of being a slave to a slaves of Lucre ...


paradox of light and darkness


Light and darkness...
Piouty and blasphemy...

Saint and sinner...

Kind and cruel...

Candour and sly...

Right and wrong...

Gentlemen and babarians...

Ladies and bitches...

Which of those listed are you, walkers of the mortal plane? Which one are you? the former or the later.

Either one or neither none?

But then, are these the right questions to be ask? Are you the appropriate person to answer?

To be or not to be, often one ask one self only to have the answer coming form the mouth of another.

Do one have the divine right to define one self?

Or it is the the right of the others?

Lavishly, each and every one of us preached that we are what we made ourselves. But religously we practice that a person is what we want them to be.

"I am," once proclaimed the Demon Prince, "a scuplture of a gentleman to a lady, holding the light of rightousness so that the route to piety wold be paved by kindness and ends in sainthood."

"You are," in that same instance retort the ones other than the child of agnus, "a wreckage of a wretched bastard of a bicth that dwelve in the darkness of wrongs that became the ornaments on the winding maze of blasphemy drew by sins."

"I am," herald the half-dead love only by the truly dead. in the time between what will be and has be, "a a creature that thrive illuminating darkeness, chasing and ing chased by sinning saints of wretched gentlemens who slept and swore lady whores that preaches blasphemous piousness onto a world hideously beautiful."

"You are," the hatefull lovers vainly try to dispute him, "you are... not of our kin."

Not of our kin - were the only words able to be uttered by the tounges that claimed they come from flesh of canodur.

Not of our kin - words that slyly turn to magical mantras abonishing being such as the Demon prnce.

And thus he becomes an exile from the land of exalted saint.

For a moment, the child of Agnus could only stand motionless, paralized by the darkness that surrounds him.

He could see neither to nor fro. Neither clouds nor stars. Neither sun nor moon.

Only darkness.

Silent is the only sound he could hear.

As the grains of the sand of time slowly pass, the hollowed eyes of the half dead began to see shape taking form around him.

No clear curves could be seen, only camouflaged figure of all shape and sizes.

Fear and lonelines crept painfully into his hollowed heart.

So painstaking painfull that the living part of him cringe in cry hoping that the hooded creature who yield the dreaded scythe of souls would invite him to the neitherland.

As the tears gushed from his hollowed eyes like blood from a severed artery flow began to subside, calmness embrace the once fearfull heart of the Demon Prince.

His rotting eyes began to see clearly.

His numb mind slowly recognizing each and every shape that form in the dark.

He began to understand this taunting lesson The Dealers deck is offering.

When one is blinded by the light that is intended to illuminate one's journey, one tend to see things as the things that they are not.

When one is detoxified by the sweet savory droplets of grape one would be intoxeicated by the clear water than calms and cleans the mud in a river bed.

Thus one would be obliviuos to the obviuos.

And one would see only what one wanted to see.

Making one -

be in darkness in the presence of Light... preaching blasphemous piouness...

turn into a sinning saint...

disseminating kind cruelty...

trough sly candour...

wronging the right...

a marks the birth of barbaric gentlemen...

who would later partner with bitching ladies...

- ENDED till another end -


Seeing Blind

I am new here,
I came from a land of the bewildered,
I have no friends nor lover.
Would you come closer to this tired traveler,
so that I can see you a little bit clearer,
please do not have no fear,
as I am a paralized blind from ear to ear,
a gift i got from me deeds in the coming years,
as a sentinel for devilish deers.

Now, now, do not be wary,
as a blind could never see,
there fore I could never pinch your little tootsy,
like what the demonic diety did to me,
so there is nothing for you to worry.

What is that you said in me hands you see?
that makes you head go weepity wee,
ahh, no, no, don't you go awry,
I'll tell you of the things I brought with me,
so you'll see a what a blind man sees.

A wand in my left and and a torch in me right hand,
is much appropriate for a blinded man,
one for shining the routes to thid land,
the other for telling an enemu from a friend.

A straight line crossed with a cresent on my neck,
a sign of me religous pack,
an order of sinning saints,
who seeks the pleasures of pain,
in hope one day I will again,
be a saintly sinner who preaches out pious blasmephemies,
making me an enemy pf the blasphemous piety.

As for this coarse velvet that I wore,
I know it is an eye spre,
but it is a precious gift from me lady whore,
who reminds me we are whoring ladies,
who love to be barbaric gentlemen,
and kill gentlemen barbaricly.

Worry not child,
as i am blind as a blind could be,
and all I know is the darkness that in it you be,
it is the light that helps me see.


In another time,
another tale will come.
of the things the Demon saw as a Slave to a Slave.
But for now,
the Demon would only want to rest.

_______THANK YOU_______


Inn said...

my dear,

thank u. for always being a sweetheart. It's funny how words from a total stranger can make one's day :)


MidlifeCrisisDolmat said...

Lord Demon,

It has been a while has it not? I am graciously humbled by the poem you have sent to me, and it is sterlingly and masterfully crafted as ever, let me make it known to you.

Salutations, Lord Demon. May your day be a wondrous journey of a life well lived. :)

demonsinme said...

Melady Inn:

A stranger I maybe, but a strange a friend I truly am

demonsinme said...

Master Shariman:

It has been a long long while. It is me who should be the humbled as my inklings is no where as compared to yors.

Leo said...

I always feel awe when reading your magical words. Does Lord Demon do magic?

Maya said...

rasanya seperti tidak setaraf untuk saya mencalit kata di sini yang hanya mungkin mencemar paksi bahasa yang sungguh indah.. i'm sure you get bored of all this.. but it is true..beautiful as always..and you will always be a wonder to me.

demonsinme said...

Master Doel:

Your words humble even the humblest, but, the Demon Child of Agnus writes no magic and do no wonder. He only know how to yap.

demonsinme said...

Melady MAYA:

Why should you say that, this space that I occupy would lame without the presence of a lady such as you and like the ones before you.

I live in a lonely world, being graced by you and the others makes it a whole lot colorfull.