Saturday, March 24, 2007

...and I give you another tale...

Asslamualaikum and peace be upon you...

Day of Reckoning,
24th dawn of the Time of Lent,
Year of the Ignis Mialis...

6th day, first month of the 2nd year of being a slave to a slave...




No matter what, the Demon Prince still could not believe that this would again visit his life. Never, he used to whisper to himself in the silence of night, that he would be badly hurt by the soft sword that hid behind the redness of the lips.

Laying weak in his Cave of Adumbration, with breath as heavy as a dying man's, the Demon Prince cried. Something he has not done for as long as he can remember.

Thoughts of the battle that has left him livelessly crippled rushes by like puppets steered by the puppet master in haste as if he has work a scene that would angered an evil king.

The battles were painfully and beautifully mesmerizing as they were sparks of fireworks seen too close that the brightness is blinding, the booms were ear-wrecking and the coulourfull sparks scorches...

Like every other battles that marred the soul of a poet, the ones that the Demon Prince face begins with the fall of Male Goat Lee, former Captain of the Adferos of the Voice of Oryx.

Male Goat Lee, is a legendary Adferos - Warrior of the People, his legend ends not only in the beauty of the strokes that he splayed with the Sword of Story (a customary weapon of adferos from any kingdom), but also in the foulness of his tounge. Nevertheless, he is an honorable warrior who would fought with dignity and ethics.

Sadly, his legend and his foulnes is the very weapons used by the Golden Caminus named King Ren that he trained to a great Adfero to bring him down.

Befallen, he was then sold as a slave by the Dungeon Lord, Bad Rules As Har - thanks to the whispers of The Unseen and the gold painted dog - King Ren to the pitt masters of The Mesenger of a Lazed Race.

This sequent of events, has left the Chair of Twisted Destiny - the most powerful seat among the seats of the captains empty.

This is when one of The Unseen made visible to the Demon Prince and marks the the sequence of events that would lead to the day when the Demon Prince would be wounded so badly...

The fallen of Male Goat Lee pave the path for the One Who Has None rise.

The One who has None, is a dashing captain that controls the Voice of Oryx east coast Adferos. Before he sat on the Chair of Twisted Destiny, there were rumours that this forked tounge captain has been eyeing for the chair once manned by Male Goat Lee. The venom that King Ren spiked has created an opportunity for that intent that the One who has None has.

So rise the One who has None to be the Captain of Captains...

And with that, the music of war was sung to the demon's ear - only to be mistaken by hm as a sweet lullaby.

Meanwhile, at the other end of the world, the Princess - the Demon's mate is playing a similar tune, the only difference is, it was played with adifferent instrument.

Back at the Voice of Oryx, other Adferos that the Demon thought to be allies, were busy honing their Saliva Swords for an attack. So fine do they honed their swords, the Demon Prince didn't see it coming.

He lived life as usual.

Life is, for the moment of time, peaceful.

Peacefull like the calm before a raging storm.

And like any fierce storm, destruction is mark on the biggest to the most minute.

The battle began, unknowingly to the Demon, with the spaying of the Saliva Swords by his Follying Frineds. Hidden in the softness of thier fine Fabrics of Friendship, three of the Adferos began slithing the venomous dull blades of the Saliva Swords along the Demons rotting spine. So tender is the slithing, that the Demon only felt the pain when he accidently saw a long wide gash of wound from the base of his neck to the end of his spine, and it is already too late for him to mend it..

Then, like adding salt to a painful wound, the Princess chanted the chants of the Maiden no Maid, and its poke too deep in his heart.

The apex of this battle, comes on a hot Day of the Pious, where the One who has None, spewed a curse to on Zimme, a days old appointed captain to herd the Demon.

The curse made him a mindless zombie that carries the phisical form of the Captain of Captains curse.

Stepping trough the Gates of Voice of Oryx already bleeding, Zimme thrusts his zombic hands staright at the Demons skull shattering it and lay the phisical form of the mortal curse, paralysing him.

Shaken, weaken and disoriented, the Demon fell on his knees - only able to beg for mercy right on the heels of the One who has None.

And the One who has None, use this chance lavishly.

The weaken demon is struck numourously with his mace of power.

Over and over again the demon is struck till the only strength that he has left is to slowly blink his hollwed eyes.

While in an unseen corner, he heard the faint giglles of a dog.

Then came blackness.

Laying weak in his Cave of Adumbration, with breaths as heavy as a dying man, the Demon Prince can only cry.

His breaths are getting heavier and shorter.

Untill he can no longer feel the air flowing trough his nostrils down to his lungs.

And this is the moment he die.

And dead be the human half of the Demon.

And that marks the birth of a true demon.

The dark Prince of Agnus, Demon Child of the Dark Gods is reborn.

- ended till another end -


Bag, Sack, Rack

hey there traveller vexed,
it's the only thing you can pack,
when trudgung in a world mastered by a man made of wax,
now sit is what you have to do next,
free your bag and put it in my sack,
give it to me so I can put it on my rack.

vexed traveller,
eat as I know you are haunted by hunger,
as I know every traveller is also a hunter,
looking for the mystical beast no mind can figure,
to give you strength traveling in the path of meander,
that the hunger would set you lost in anger,
and ends you as a meal cook on a sweet fire.

I know, I know it's a heavy bag,
I know, I know the content is no hag,
but you really should put it in my sack,
and you really should put it on my rack,
it would really make you relax,
and free you from the contunious vex,
I should know for I am the paver of every traveller's track.

In another time,another tale will come.
of the things the Demon saw as a Slave to a Slave.
but for now,
the Demon would only want to rest.

_______THANK YOU_______

Sunday, March 04, 2007

...and the tag is tag...


- latest entry is below this one -





People who are tagged should write a blog post of 6 weird things about them as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says 'you are tagged' in their comments and tell them to read your blog.

  1. I have a beautiful but weird name, lady-like in a way, but still its beatufull. I rarely introduce myself using that name, except to very selected few, not that I disrespect them, but I got this thing that I am yet to be the man god intended me to be thus I feel reluctant to use the name that god and me dad have honoured me with. Call me dumb, heck, I am nothing but that.
  2. I like to see all living thing in their dead state. Scary? Weird? Nope. Just that I find solace and serenity in all things unlively. Inanimate to me, is like the time when we are in our mother’s womb. So serene.
  3. I love to eat (but nowadays I don’t do it anymore) snails (siput babi to be exact), tom yam ular (did that when I was in Thailand), grasshoppers (goring kunyit or sambal – still do it whenever I’m back in Pay Rock), ulat sagu and all things weird. But the weirdest of my culinary habit is that I can never stomach jering nor kerdas even though I like every thing else ulam.
  4. The thing with me is that I like to try everything – and I do mean EVERYTHING before I die. That being said I have done the baddest to the goodest. But nowadays I have this tendency to … (feel free to fill in the blanks).
  5. Me parents has long since gave up in asking me to be presentable. Reason being, no matter how much the tried, I always like to don ragged-ripped cut-offs no matter where I go ‘cept for places that I can’t to that laa. Whenever I’m at me house by my self, I just don me birthday suit. I can guarantee you it’s a sight you’ll never forget (well, how could you forget when I surely die at the very sight of me in that state).
  7. And I’m tagging:

    a. Master Wailer
    b. Melady Meeza
    c. Melady Blabs
    d. Melady Jane
    e. Melady With no ‘H’
    f. Master Hamka
    g. (and if it’s no breaking rule) Me Lord Abah de la Count


hadap irama cengkrik yang lain nanti,
jemari lacur ini pasti menari lagi,
hadap irama cengkerik ini,
jemari lacur ini mahu labuh di jeti mentari.

_______TERIMA KASIH_______

...and more of these will be told...

Assalamualaikum dan sejahteralah ke atas kamu...

Hari Kliwon-Bala,
Siang ke 13 Bulan Rumah Di Kosongkan Untuk Berperang,
Tahun Ehe,

Hari ke 16 menjadi hamba kepada hamba...




Tegap berdiri bersendeng sendi, Sang Siluman Raja mengadap mentari pagi igauan indah para pak tani.

Ribut Barat yang melanda Istana Sunyinya di kala Sang Pemula Akhir merendahkan kaki untuk dicium dahi-dahi Para Penunggang Berahi, masih membekaskan luka di darah beku yang bergendang di antara belulang yang terikat pada belikat.

Tidak pernah sunyi ribut itu dari sulbi Sang Siluman Raja.

Di tegak tegap bersendeng sendi ini, dia mengimbau kembali hari-hari yang telah mati.

Pernah di suatu ketika, gurun hatinya sentiasa dilitup salju baldu berwarna putih.

Di saat itu dirinya lengkap sebagai satu. Sang Siluman Raja - orang yang kaya.

Dia kaya berhartakan bukan intan bukan berlian, jauh sekali emas mahupun permata tetapi dengan jasad kasar berjiwa halus.

Namun, bersama lalunya masa, sedikit demi sedikit kekayaan Sang Siluman Raja berpindah milik. Ada duduknya di kocek dada lawan sang pria, tak kurang juga dengan yang kembali ke tanah asal sang bayi sebelum dia pertama kali menjerkah dunia.

Namun yang paling Sang Siluman Raja, hartanya yang kini dimilik dunia.

Itulah Sang Mamak Bendahara, jiwa halus yang kini lena di bantal baldu berlapik batu duniawi.

Mengenangkan Mamak Bendahara, mata Sang Siluman Raja pasti berkaca, sedihnya hingga kini teramat bisa.

Sepuluh kitar lengkap musim-musim yang lalu, ketika Sang Siluman Raja masih tegar sebagai jasad bernyawa dan punya berahi tinggi untuk berpencak dengan tapak silat penghidup minda yang mati, langkahnya terpijak bekas tapak Mamak Bendahara.

Ketika itu, Sang Siluman Raja masih punya daya untuk menyingkap kulit khinzir yang menekup telinga dan membalut sukma titisan Hawa dari gema sumbang Pemanggil Pengingat yang tak kenal jerih melolongkan mantera memancing penyembah angkuh yang sudi bangkit sebelum Sang Mentari menarik sauh yang terlabuh.

Di satu antara beribu hari yang telah berlalu pada musim musim pertama sepuluh kitar musim berlalu itu, Sang Siluman Raja bertemu Mamak Bendahara...

Pertemuan itu amat indah sekali.

Tika itu, Sang Siluman Raja sedang duduk kaki terlipat, tangan menongkat langit di permaidani tempat mata amarah mencium ludah sesal tapak yang tersepak kopiah. Dari rekah dua tangannya yang menadah ihsan yang terhijab dari mata, terpandang putera leka ini pada pemimpin pasukan pengemis yang dalam jihad menahan telanjang nafsu pada titis embun hari itd.

Terpandang dia pada Mamak Bendahara, rebung berusia 22 tujuh takbir qurban, duduk dilitupi cahaya putih...

Bermula dari saat itu, terbitlah pucuk hijau kasih seorang akhi di hati merah Sang Siluman Raja yang anggunnya hanya tertanding dek lukisan bibit fajar siddiq.

Sang Siluman Raja tiada lagi menjadi bungsu sepi, dia kini punya anugerah yang bergelar akhi. Jalannya ke penghujung duniawi kini ada penyuluh kala kelam dinihari.

Namun, bak angin yang berlalu, tiada apa yang tetap kekal...

Tiga sundal masa menjengah rebung berusia 22 takbir qurban menambah kulapuk yang berlapikkan miang dan lumut di empulur anak buluh lembut ini.

Sundal pertama, namanya Teman Tidur Si Fakir.

Sundal kedua, namanya Sang Penyanggah Si Buntut Raja.

Sundal ketiga, namanya Suri Badi.

Terlena Sang Mamak Bendahara dengan syair syahdu, ciuman palsu sundal bertiga.

Terhijablah nur terpacul suram diubun-ubunnya menukar helaian hitam rambut menjadi uban suram lagi seram.


Tertampanlah dan terserpihlah Sang Siluman Raja dari kenyamanan persahabatan.

Dan terciptalah dirinya yang sentiasa dipeluk kesepian.

- tamat untuk tika ini tatkala menanti penghujung yang baru -


Stailo Said wal Seksi Seripah

Stailo Said wal Seksi Seripah,
pemuda tampan dan pemudi indah,
asal dari Si Darah Merah,
yang dikukuh dengan debu Kaabah,
namun alah dek bayang Penafi Titah.

Hai Stailo Said wal Seksi Seripah,
mengapa dibiar kancing pantelon tercapah,
mengapa dibiar puting merah mengadah,
mengapa dibiar kangkang bapamu diludah,
mengapa dibiar pusat emakmu diredah,
mengapa dibiar ubun abangmu dipecah,
mengapa dibiar tundun kakakmu dicicah.
mengapa dibiar bibir adikmu dirancah?

Aduhai Stailo Said wal Seksi Seripah,
tidak mengapa jika rambutmu merah,
tidak peduli jika langkahmu bersepah,
jangan dibiar daulatmu jadi pariah.


hadap irama cengkrik yang lain nanti,
jemari lacur ini pasti menari lagi,
hadap irama cengkerik ini,
jemari lacur ini mahu labuh di jeti mentari.

_______TERIMA KASIH_______