Thursday, January 19, 2006

...the more i miss you...

Assalamualaikum and peace be upon you,

To The One

My life has never been much,
Everything I touch turn to dust,
Everything I kiss turn to rust,
Everything I glance will flee so fast.

except your love,
everything except you.

Since you came,
I no longer remember the salty taste of tear,

I no longer remember the chill of fear,

I no longer remember the emptyness of no one near,
do I remember the things that hatred holds so dear.

But if ever,
your sweet smell be taken by haven's breath,
your shadow shy by a face so bright,
your voice be drown by a thunderous might,
my presence causes you the thing call fright...

Would I ever,
remember the sweetness of a beautifull night,
the warmth of a sun that shine so bright,
the breeze that gave me all of my might,
the bed that rested me in times of plight?


Fara said...

oh my lordy,

you should let us enjoy your poetic touch more often. :)

demonsinme said...

i'm no bard, just a demented mind that love way roo much to rumble....

Count Byron said...

I love every single line of your poem.. your lovelines.. your heartfelt sweetness of love.. I love them all

Thanks for visiting INCHING

demonsinme said...

thank you my lord count,

for visiting,
for complementing,
for appreciating this posts.

Anonymous said...

sweet. but i dunno how to scroll down

demonsinme said...

beautiful witch...

worry no more, your troubles has been remedied

Anonymous said...

Me like! Nice new layout too. Wanting to change mine bur I'd miss it too much. ^-^"